Sunday, March 1, 2009


I was watching The Nature of Things last night-
an amazing show that translates the mysteries of
science and nature into entertainment for an hour.
It's host is David Suzuki, a Canadian Zoologist,
Geneticist, Eco-Warrior, and all-round incredible man.

Although these kinds of programs often depress me due
to the doom and gloom forecast for the planet should
things not change, I love Suzuki and always enjoy his
presentations as he can still find ways to insert a little
humor and humanity into even the darkest of subjects.

Dr. Suzuki has multiple doctorates, honorary titles
galore - including the Order of Canada; he has been
adopted by no less than two native tribes and has
earned the respect of the scientific community
around the world for his outstanding commitment to
the environment.

When the program was over the mandatory
commercials commenced. The first ad to come on
was for KFC - and I began to laugh hysterically.
(The Man thought I'd lost my marbles)

Am I the only one who finds this funny?

Well...I know Dr. Suzuki would have laughed...


Unknown said...

OMG, that is awesomely hilarious. I love watching David Suzuki. I especially love his green commercials. My favorite is the one where he is sealing up the windows to make it airtight. Cracks me up everytime :P

Jenn said...

The similarities are hilarious. I miss his shows. We don't get them "down here" ;) I used to read his article every month in Canadian Living, but I didn't renew my subscription this year.

Lynn said...

ok...I'm glad I'm not the only one, then.